Refund policy
Refund policy
Returns & Cancellations: We offer the option to cancel anyPurchase or Rentals within 24 hours of completing your order. This offer is valid for all purchases unless the product ships in less than 24 hours. We offer the option to cancel your order on all our small items (including but not limited to sheets, pillows, and other sleep accessories) prior to shipment. Due to the specialty order nature of our products, we do not offer cancellations, returns, refunds or exchanges outside specific programs listed on this page. If you find any issues with your product upon inspection during your delivery you MUST notify your delivery driver and notate the defect on the delivery manifest. In the case there is damage please send photos and a description of the issue along with your order number to [email protected], we will work with the manufacturer to provide a resolution to your issue. Please include your order number, a description of the problem and any photo or video documentation. Please allow up to 72 hours for a response.